Ran the Houston Half Marathon.
It was cold.
It rained.
I finished.
The end.
Just jokes! That's not much of a recap. Although all those things did happen.
Anna was nice enough to let us stay with her the night before the race. Which was a huge bonus because she lives about 5 minutes from the George R. Brown. We parked outside the convention center about 5:40 and made the very chilly walk, that turned into a run, to the building. Once we got inside we sat down, drank our water, went tee-tee, etc.
At about 6:45 we made our way to the starting line where we waited in the cold. And the wind. And the rain. And the cold. Oh, and it was sprinkling. In all honesty it was pretty miserable. The emcee kept counting down the minutes until the start. More than one person shouted, "everyone is here, let's get started". I may or may not have been one of those people. Thank goodness Anna had the brains to suggest hand warmers. They are the only thing that kept me from waiting in the port-potti.
And then, the gun! Hooray! Shortly after we began walking we turned a corner and the wind was cut in half. Hooray for downtown wind tunnels. As we took off we noticed that it looked like it was raining ahead of us. But we didn't feel any rain? Curious! And then we ran into it.
We normally chat, chat, chat when we run, but I don't think either of us said more than 10 words until Mile Marker 4. Then we started talking and the rest of the race went by fairly quickly.
At Mile 9, the race turns. After that, I really felt great.
Let's be honest, after the BCS Half debacle, I was just glad to be in the game.
The race finishes through downtown Houston and it is a fun last couple miles. Right before you enter downtown, you run under a large American flag. Feels like you are in a movie.
I am alway glad to see the maker for Mile 13. And this year I was really glad that the post race was inside.
Special side note: I was adjusting my hat, felt my pony tail and thought, "I don't remember putting my hair in a bun". Nope! I didn't! It was just that matted and tangled from the wind and rain. Puuuuuuuuurty!
All done |
This is how we did it |
We are trying to balance. Picture included so you could see my beautiful rat's nest. |
Feeling super. And SUPER glad it was over! |