1. There are already so many food blogs I like to read: Annie's Eats, Skinny Taste, My Baking Addiction, Joy the Baker, The Pioneer Woman, Confections of a Foodie Bride, Homesick Texan, Food Gawker, and on and on.
B. My pictures of food never look appetizing. Never.
III. I don't want the responsibility. If I tell you something is amazing and I post these glorious pictures and you make it for a party and it is ga-ross. Well then I would feel bad. And I already have enough mom guilt to fill a barn. I don't need that from you.
Cuatro. This blog is supposed to be about my family and my kids. Well, I guess that should have been number one. Hello, mom guilt. Nice to see you again.
With all that being said, I made this tonight and liked it very much. It was warm, comforting, and healthy. Even Lucy von Picky Pants ate it up. I served it with a salad and some multigrain bread.
Random Rant: I ordered invitations for Lucy's birthday weeks ago and they are still not here. I contacted the Etsy seller and she is resending, but her birthday party is in less than three weeks. Yes, it is just a small party, mostly family (we don't know anyone yet), but it makes me so sad. Y'all, I am about to send an Evite. An Evite. Evites do have their time and place, but not for my Lucy Pea's 3rd birthday. I feel like a hobo.
Please don't take offense if you used Evite for your kiddo's birthday. I just really like to send paper invitations. I would send them for play dates and family dinners if I could. It is a sickness.
There is a really cute little invitation store in La Centerra if you decide that you want to go the paper route without having to order them. Just FYI :)