"When I turn 3, I am going to throw my binky in the trash".
"On my birthday I say bye bye to the binky".
"Mommy, did Finn say bye to he's (yes, he's) binky"?
"Yes, Lucy he did".
"Me too Mommy".
"Okay, Peas. I look forward to that".
So last week she did. She was super proud of herself. Talked about it all morning, even told the cashier at the Target.
Then it was time for nap and things got a little hairy. So I let her "borrow" one of Hayes' binks. Don't judge me. I thought there was a chance she might not like that idea and I really needed to do laundry not fight with her over a nap.
WRONG! She was pleased as punch.
So that went on for a few days. Until Sunday night, when we went cold turkey.
She has been doing okay. Naptimes have been a little shorter. It takes her longer to fall asleep. A couple days ago I found her at nap fast asleep holding a wand, wearing a tiara, having changed from jeans to a tutu and with her bathroom sink running.
And then there was last night. We were staying at my mom's house and she had the special treat of sleeping in Fancy's bed. From the living room we heard intermittent wailing and gnashing of teeth. And then all was quiet.
When my mom went to bed, this is how she found Lucy.
And here is a close up for good measure.
We have recently braved the paci separation as well. All things went well the first week and then Jemma decided that she should wake up all hours of the night and get out of bed. We are hopefully on the upswing though.