Sunday, May 20, 2012

A girl, a Fairy, and a Dentist walk into a bar...

Last week Lucy had her first visit to the dentist.

A much begged for fairy was purchased as a motivational (read bribe) tool.

Lucy has been hankering for this fairy for quite some time. Whenever we go to Target, which is several times a week, (don't judge, I am a stay-at-home mom and sometimes wandering those aisles is the only thing keeping me sane) Lucy asks to go down the "girl path" so she can visit her fairy. I usually allow a trip down the girl path with this disclaimer that the "beautiful special fairy" won't be coming home with us. She usually replies, "I know Mommy, I just want to look on her".

Now for your viewing pleasure, the beautiful special fairy.

"Peaking" her safe on the way to the dentist.

Lucy girl before her big appointment.

Brushing and counting the snakes teeth. (Yes, she has already received the fairy. I know!)

Afterwards with all her spoils - A fairy, a balloon, a princess sticker, and a Doo-doo-da-Dora book. Seriously, I want to go to this dentist.

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