Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

Howdy do folks. Still getting caught up from my saaaad computer breakdown.

The day before Mother's Day my brother's family and my family met Fancy for MD breakfast. We went to Flora & Muse at CityCentre. Y'all, it's GOOD. Take thee to Flora & Muse as fast as your little legs will carry you. Or your car. You'll get there faster.

As soon as Lucy walked in she was desperate for Fancy to open her present. Fancy tried in vain to wait for the others to arrive. But then sweet darling Lucy blurted out, "OpenyourpresentIpickeditoutIgotyouaneckalce". SURPRISE!

After breakfast we let the kiddos run around the green space.

I also attempted to find a bathing suit at J Crew (lost). I eventually found one at Everything But Water (won) in Town & Country Village. I will never enjoy this process. NEVER. Why are the lights in these places so harsh? Why? You would think they would equip the dressing rooms with  skinny mirrors and flattering glowing light or candles...YES CANDLES! I definitely look better in candlelight. If there were candles up in those rooms, I would walk out with 100 suits. You couldn't stop me. There goes that lady buying 100 suits again.

But I digress.

Sometimes getting a picture with all the 3 looking happy at the camera can be a challenge. But we persevered at got these gems.

On Sunday Drew attempted to let me sleep in while he and the kids made breakfast. After hearing Lucy pummel Drew with questions ranging from "What did you do with my mommy" to "When can I stir the french toast" to "Can I have chocolate milk", I decided to get up. I was greeted by two happy children and a busy husband. We ate a delicious stuffed french toast breakfast, prepared by Chef Drew and the kids gave me cooking classes at Sur La Table. We had planned on church, but both kids woke up with runny noses. The gross yellowy-green kind that make the nursery workers look at you like you are crazy. So we stayed home and enjoyed the day as a family. I even got to go to the gym all by myself for an hour and a half!

Thanks Drew for a great Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog! And, love Flora and Muse!! My fav brunch/lunch place. The very best french onion soup. Let's meet one day!!
